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Nine Purple Mountains

The Friend

An iterator with a constant need to talk to others, thriving off attention. They were built to be more relatable to civilians, and fall a bit short in terms of processing power compared to others.

Speech: Does not use periods, more expressive


Nine Purple Mountains is very obviously my favorite design. One of the iterators also designed based off early dialogue + text colors, NPM is the side of Ancient fashion that feels more modern. I KNEW I had to make this guy silly.

The clothes are based off the ancient in the karma 3 mural. The scarf and green color are stolen from an old fixation of mine, and you'll have to solve my riddles to figure out who it is. The part of the name "Purple Mountains" is also based on the King Gizzard song "Magenta Mountain". Esoteric, but I like to have fun too.

They're the second smallest iterator, actually, both in terms of can and puppet. I wish I could have done more with them in the story, as I did give them way more characterization and motives behind the scenes than I knew what to do with. I'd probably leave that for later though.

Nine Purple Mountains Reference Image