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Missing Link of Chain

The Scholar

Built for the purpose of archiving history, her can is rather large. She is very formal and curious, though that curiosity often turns into obsessiveness. She holds grudges very easily. Her puppet is intended to be somewhat of a mascot of learning. She probably knows where you live.

Speech: No specific typing quirks


Missing Link of Chain was designed alongside Membrane. They were always intended to be together. Although the idea behind her was more vague than Membrane's, and I wasn't really sure where I wanted to take her characterization. They're both iterators specialized for a single purpose. For Chain it was archiving. Her can is the largest because of her larger memory arrays for processing and storing 

Her original name in Section 1, Chain of Missing Links, was inspired off a song by The Books of the same name. I wanted her character to be more aloof and... helpful I suppose? It didn't really work out, and she became a more formal and curious-turned-obsessive personality. I'm happier with this choice.

She's intended to look more friendly and like a mascot character. Her creators thought that by doing that it would make history and archiving seem more appealing.

Poppy-purpura was the one who suggested her colors as well, so credit to her for that! Thanks :)

Missing Link of Chain Reference Image