[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Cage of Membrane, Thirteen Catastrophes

TC: I need your help. Badly.

COM: oh-oh! hi ccatastrophes

COM: its been a a while

TC: How many cycles has it been since we Last spoke?

COM: hmm… i think… -40

TC: …

TC: Yeah.

COM: is something wr-wrong?

TC: I’m not sure if word got out or not, but I’ve been appointed as Open Waters’ “Overseer”. It is part of my Job to look over and guide it, and I do not know how to do that.

COM: oh yyyes… chain told told me. she mentioned hhhow the little one would not respond-nd to her messages. do you know why that-at is, actually?

TC: Somewhat. It said it just didn’t want to talk to any of you.

TC: I am bound by duty to Help it. Yet it’s adamant. It’ll speak to me, of course, but I’m afraid that it will soon start Disobeying.

COM: well, i i have no id-idea what you’re doing exactly. but knowing yyyyou as as you are, perhaps you’re not approach-ing it rright

COM: it already has so much on its hands. being more casual would ease it up

TC: Sure, but I still have to assert my Authority.

COM: thats…

TC: Well, when I put it bluntly like that it sounds a lot worse-

TC: I don’t want to be entirely authoritative over it, but it still needs to know that it should answer to me.

COM: how much power do you you rrreally have, though? and im sure its already-ready aware of your position abovvve it

COM: wwwaters is still your ppeer

TC: Hmmm.

TC: You should try to message it sometime soon, actually.

COM: ah, later! i i want to give-ve it some sp-space~