: Hello.

[The Iterator did not respond.]

: A Reply would be Kind.

OW: Hello

: Do you know what you are?

[There is a long pause.]

OW: Am I an Iterator ?

: You would be Correct, yes. You are an Iterator.

: Do you know your purpose?

OW: Tell me

: You are to answer the question.

OW: I-I don’t know

[The Iterator is getting increasingly nervous. A gentler approach will be needed next time.]

: As an Iterator, it is your purpose to Solve The Great Problem. You will figure out the rest as we go.

: Understood?

OW: What is my name ?

: Your name is Open Waters. Do you Understand your Purpose now?

OW: Yes

: Then we may Conclude this Session. You are Free to ask your Supervisors any questions.

: We wish to Help You as much as you will help us.