
: Chain Of Missing Links. We request you cease spamming the communications array.

: You have work to focus on, it is not to be spent worrying.

: If this behavior permeates any longer, restrictions will be implemented.

COML: Yes, I understand. You are correct.

: Such profanity and ill will towards another iterator is not permitted either. You should understand this. We are incredibly disappointed in you.

COML: I apologize. It will not happen again.

: It better not.









I haven’t been completely forbidden from talking through communications. It is integral to our work, after all. I just… need some time for myself? I recall some advice. Given to me by Boundary- SBC. I meant SBC.

But it’d told me some time back, something. I can’t remember, I didn’t really record many of our conversations, it always seemed to know when I did, and wouldn’t talk to me. I… understand, but it’s just… nevermind, I keep getting sidetracked. I need to remember what exactly it was they said again, I’ve been in this situation before- I’ve been in this situation a lot.

That probably says a lot about me, haha?

Something along the lines of… “don’t make it your problem.” Harsh, but, true. To an extent. Actually, there was a lot more than that, now that it’s starting to come back to me again. They often mentioned how I should stop trying to strain my energy trying to stay up to date on every little squabble.

Cage Of Membrane told me the same thing just a few cycles ago as well.


I already miss Membrane.

I couldn’t help her…

I never could. I thought that maybe, FINALLY, I would be able to step in for once and be able to save her.

But I’m always a step behind.

Finishing up some tasks would be a nice distraction for a while.




COML: Permission to access documents about, or relating to the war between Sixteenth Boundary Collapse and Thirteen Catastrophes, as well as information on the current state of SBC?

COML: For archival reasons.

: Chain of Missing Links, we’re sorry, but we cannot give you something we ourselves do not have access to either.


COML: Okay.