[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Cage Of Membrane, Chain Of Missing Links

COML: Still at it?

COML: It has been very lonely without you…

COM: la-arge workload

COM: lot-ts of bio-biomatter

COML: What kind of biomatter?

COM: neurons- and variations

COM: in large qua-quantities

COML: Have you received anything about SBC yet?

COML: A few cycles ago Thirteen Catastrophes’ overseers have begun to spy on me, very obviously too, at that. I’m forbidden from gathering more data at this time.

COM: no

COM: she scolded me as well… i am innocent-t ~!

COML: I recall that Horizon Of Sulfur became involved with this as well. Should I go ask him if he can tell me anything?

COM: please. do not

COML: I… understand. I just know how close SBC was to you. I want to make sure it’s okay.

COM: do not concern y-y-yourself so much much with issues you can’t con-control…

COM: i do- not know if sbc will fully r-recover or not. i can say with c-confidence though… i could speak-k to it it…again soon

COML: Understood, yes, I apologize.

COM: d dont be sorry… i apprici-ate all you try to to do for me… you care so much…

COM: its very up-upsetting when y-you use the professionalism voice… s-stay safe… please