[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Chain Of Missing Links, Oblivion On Quartz Towers

OOQT: I have never been the type to gossip really, but it is incredibly suspicious how involved Thirteen Catastrophes has been.

OOQT: I assume you already know.

COML: I know more than I should. I’ve been dedicating the last few cycles to attempting to piece together this situation.

OOQT: Explains your recent inertness. I don’t know how you’ve kept it up for this long without having any more restrictions placed on you.

OOQT: Anyways, if it comforts you, everyone I spoke to came to a similar conclusion about TC as well.

COML: I’m better at covering my tracks than you might think.

COML: And that is nice to know, I suppose.

OOQT: Oh really? Good at covering your tracks?

COML: Well, like you said, I’ve gone a while without any of our creators finding out yet, hahaha!

OOQT: Well, is it because you’re actually good at this, or because of how dull your supervisors are?

COML: Oh be nice- they’re lovely individuals, I do like them.

COML: But… uh… since you’re here-

COML: Quartz, can I be honest with you?

OOQT: You’ve been honest this whole time, haven’t you?

COML: No, seriously. I’m not sure if I should say it, but I trust you to know. It might be important.

OOQT: Ah. I’ll keep any secrets you disclose to me safe.

COML: I… plan on intercepting TC’s broadcasts. I have to if I want to know more about what she plans to do with SBC.

COML: Even if I can’t do anything to stop him, I don’t want any of this data to become lost. I see the warning signs now, and I can’t let them be obscured.

OOQT: I understand how lax your restrictions are, but something like this will certainly get some eyes on you. Are you sure you’d want to follow through a plan like this?

COML: I feel a sense of obligation…

OOQT: I won’t tell you no, but I’m telling you that there is a reason as to why interceptions are so uncommon.

COML: I’ll be doing it anyways.

OOQT: Good luck then. I’ll be there for you when you’re apprehended.

COML: Wow, thanks.

OOQT: I mean it.