TIAS: But what if there is some benefit to it?
NPM: There ISN’T that’s the point
TIAS: I’m just giving some outsiders advice.
OOQT: Seriously if you don’t know what’s going on, don’t say anything.
MLOC: Disregarding the politics and ethics, consider the environmental factor.
MLOC: This group is rather cramped, with very minimal distance between us. The only reason we haven’t all drowned in rain is due to how good the runoff into the western canal is.
MLOC: Well that and half the group is separated by a range which catches rain blowing from the northeast.
MLOC: The placement of Open Waters was already very particular with it being within the range…
MLOC: There just isn’t enough space. And where there is space, there won’t be enough water.
OOQT: There’s still plenty of mountain though?
MLOC: Open Waters isn’t running of JUST glacier water. There’s an entire body of water just north of it.
MLOC: Besides, that’s the largest glacier on the mountains.
TIAS: If population is such an issue then have these “excess peoples” move to a different iterator?
TIAS: Again, I don’t understand this uproar. Quintet of Remembrance told me you were all going insane over here and I thought it was something serious!
IP: Just kill them off if they’re that much of an issue! Ha ha ha!
OOQT: You’re going to give them ideas, quit it.
IP: Good!
SBC: They’re doing it because they can.
TIAS: Oh, SBC, I thought you were shut down.
SBC: I saw the discussion from earlier and it’s true. This is a method of oppression placed on my citizens.
SBC: It’s been ongoing like this since 300.
NPM: 300?!
NPM: Wait- but why?
SBC: I won’t tell.
MLOC: Not this again…
SBC: It’s a tactic. Split up and move a population you wish to control.
TIAS: With that explanation then, I understand the frustration.
OOQT: Ugh. Yeah. Can’t believe the old man had to drag itself out from its coma just to tell you that.
NPM: Why did we only just now learn this?
SBC: Good at hiding.