
[LIVE BROADCAST] – DIRECT Missing Link Of Chain, Thirteen Catastrophes


MLOC: Hey, Catastrophes.

TC: Yes, what? Is something Wrong?

MLOC: I kinda wish I listened to you back there. For once complete obidence to your creators was the right choice, hahahaha!

TC: Are you Mocking me?

MLOC: In a way.

MLOC: On another note, they really did not have the patience for us this time around.

TC: Well, it’s Happened before.

MLOC: Oh, yeah. I know NPM’s construction was a bit of a mess. It was mostly Quartz who was unhappy with it though.

TC: Why was that Exactly? I wasn’t really Active during that time.

MLOC: She takes her job very seriously.

TC: …Her job? I don’t see what that’d have to do with Mountains.

TC: Never mind that. We have our organism for Infiltrating Sulfur.

MLOC: We should probably wait, considering Sulfur is still getting enough attention from his councils to have him showing up in local chat again. Wouldn’t they catch us?

TC: Actually, because they’re so Busy with Controlling Him, I doubt they’d have Time to notice.

MLOC: Should I take your word for it, though?

TC: I don’t Necessarily Blame You. The creature Waters sent Me-

MLOC: You asked Waters to make it? How did you even manage to get the specific requirements for the creature? Do you even KNOW what we need?

TC: I have yet to Inspect and test it, it’s currently in Stasis in an Empty chamber of Mine.

MLOC: Fine. I’ll give you room to focus on that. I also finished the communications device we need to implant in his memory banks as well, so you’ll need to integrate that into the creature. The schematic will be sent later through an encrypted line.

MLOC: You’ll have the key, don’t worry.

MLOC: Many of the parts are synthesized from existing iterator broadcast nodes and scrap, so don’t worry about needing exports.

TC: Alright, I’ll get to it.

TC: What are you going to Do While you wait? Since there’s no Local Group Broadcast right now.

MLOC: What I always do. Sort.

TC: Mmm okay. Goodbye.

MLOC: Good luck.


A Radiant Beacon arrived inside a Rather Large stasis chamber. I received many Questions during the Handling of this transport. I… stated it was for my research, and that this Creautre had special Properties. They thankfullybought the Excuse. Not a Great start.

Open Waters really went All Out. What am I even Looking at? A hood that runs down its sides, the top covered in athick coat of slime, the bottom Gilled. It has a Long Snout, and yet no mouth. It seems to be bipedal? Two thumbs on each hand and foot.

I suppose while I wait to Finish Constructing that Chip in the Background, I can do some Tests here. Don’t really see How This is going to somehow get past detection from Sulfur or the House of Bells, it Can’t even seem to get past Import Security.


I’ve released Beacon, and it will be Headed down through the Lower section of my Can where-

Hold on.



FSACA: Really- I couldn’t have hoped for a better time to have become a Supervisor!

TC: Yes… yes. A very Prestigious position. Many have Sought. I do not have Time th-

FSACA: But I get to witness the construction of ANOTHER iterator! Will I see it to completion?

TC: If you Don’t plan on Transcendence any time soon.

FSACA: Of course not, there’s so much to be done. It would take me several full lifetimes to complete.

TC: Are you Not utilizing Telomere Restoration Proceedures?

FSACA: Not yet.

TC: Oh, okay. Now if you Excuse me-

FSACA: I know I can’t do anything without it though, I’m simply just… procrastinating I suppose.

TC: Fourteen Scales-

FSACA: Ah, that reminds me, how has your workflow been lately?

TC: Good. I would very much Like to get back to my Work now.

FSACA: Oops.

TC: All is Forgiven.


[LIVE BROADCAST] – DIRECT Missing Link Of Chain, Thirteen Catastrophes


MLOC: Catastrophes?

TC: Y-yes what- what’s going on.

TC: Is Everything Alright?

MLOC: My overseer caught eye of something just below your can. Is that the organism Open Waters gave to you? The hooded, slimy one?

TC: Yes, I sent it out maybe… 10 Sunsets ago?

MLOC: It looks gravely ill.

TC: Wait really? It was just Fine Before. I think You’re being Dramatic.

TC: It just looks Weird, is all.

MLOC: I… don’t trust it. Maybe we should have let Membrane handle this-

TC: Nono. Open Waters is Capable of this. Membrane is a Much Further distance from me, to the Point of Inconvinence. Everything she’s Allowed to make must follow Predetermined Blueprints.

MLOC: Well that’s just not true at all.

MLOC: This is just a minor setback. We can find a way to replace the creature. Just none of… Ehh…

MLOC: This.

TC: Fine. Give it a Bit and if something’s Wrong, we will ask Cage of Membrane.


The Creature made it back up to My can rather quickly. I have no idea what the signs of illness or disease are… but from what I can tell from overseer footage… I can’t… I don’t know.

I’ll try and coarse it back into my facility, and away from any of their cities. An overseer of mine will attempt to escort it.


[LIVE BROADCAST] PRIVATE Open Waters, Thirteen Catastrophes

TC: Waters, you never told me A Radiant Beacon would be this Unstable.

OW: You didn’t ask

TC: Why should I have to ask for a Warning? It barely made it out of my Facility before getting ill and attempting to Return!

OW: Making life is hard

TC: What’s even your Process?

OW: I mutate and grow it, from my own neurons

TC: Well can you make a Creature that won’t Die so quickly?

OW: Sorry Catastrophes, that’s the best iteration I managed to get

TC: Come on, it shouldn’t be that Difficult.

OW: Why don’t you try bionengineering yourself

OW: Loser

TC: Look. Do you at least have Advice for how to Care for this Thing.

OW: No

OW: Not my problem right now . You’ve got this


The Creature (or A Radiant Beacon, as I should Formally refer to it), had successfully been Coarsed into a spare Chamber in my can. I have begun the-

Oh my Void-



FSACA: I have wonderful news!

FSACA: Unending Canvas, An Intermediate Storm and I have been speaking more as of late. An allyship is more than possible now!

FSACA: He’s much more polite than any of the aristocrats from Tempest or Cascade. I believe this could be well for both of us!

FSACA: Perhaps I could learn some things from him…

TC: Yes, I am Happy for you.

TC: Though I do not see what you could gain from him Aside from the Advantage of Allyship.

FSACA: Catastrophes, didn’t you agree to this arrangement?

TC: I very much did. I simply… just… want to Know what you could Possibly learn from him.

FSACA: Ah! I see. Many things, infact! Have you heard his recent speeches regarding Domicile Policy Reform? Not just about what he says though- but how he says it! His confidence in tone is something lacking within our own houses. I see why he’s been able to stay in power for as long as he has! The-


Tuning out. I don’t know if I have the Mental Fortitude for this right Now.

Back to focusing on The Beacon…


Can’t Believe I need to do this. I’ve Mulled over this Animal for Cycles. I have ignored Several requests from my Councils…

But, A Radiant Beacon is finally ready.

I will send it out Very Soon. With a Guide.


[LIVE BROADCAST] – PRIVATE Horizon of Sulfur, Thirteen Catastrophes

HOS: Requesting status on Sixteenth Boundary Collapse population in Glacier.

TC: …Not avaliable?

TC: I didn’t think it was My job to check Further on that?

HOS: You must always keep an eye on them. We’re severely disappointed in your lack of cooperation recently.

TC: My Sincerest Apologies. I will try and change that right away.


I am beginning to understand Open Waters’s design Choices now. It’s seamlessly Slipping by all the Surface Life as if they did not exist. I… had Never noticed before?

It is in fine Condition. Currently it is someplace near the old Urban zones Southwest of me. A Surprisingly Agile creature.


[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Open Waters, Thirteen Catastrophes

TC: How have things been with your Citizens?

OW: Oh . They’ve… well… overwhelming as usual

OW: I saw a group of young children and their guardian creating some sort of makeshift shrine in the lower part of the metropolis

OW: I think it was for me

TC: Really? Was there not an existing Temple Nearby?

OW: I don’t have any . Was that just a thing for SBC’s population ?

TC: Not just SBC, it is required by the Principle Convention of House and Iterator Customs. I believe not having a Temple is considered Neglect…

OW: Really ?

TC: Yes! It is the Primary method of communication between Civillian wants and the Iterator. Without it, Connection is severed. It makes our Jobs harder, How will we Provide if we don’t Even Know what they want?

OW: Are you going to talk to the House of Bows about it or something ?

TC: You should go Speak to the United Congregation. They’ll be able to fix this. I’m Sorry I didn’t Notice this before…

TC: Open Waters, you need to Give more frequent Updates about your Cities.

OW: Am I in trouble

TC: No, but You’re clearly not aware of what’s Normalized and what isn’t. Communication is Important, and I’m sure you Understand.


The Beacon’s path seems to closely follow the Underground Cable line connecting my facilities to Sulfur’s, to a Suspicious degree. Is it somehow aware they’re even There? It might just be a Coincidence.

It is strange seeing the surface again. Why do I have Nostalgia for a place I have Never been to?

I wonder if Chain has any Information about this area.


[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Open Waters, Thirteen Catastrophes

OW: There’s some sort of protest below the temple of bows . I see them throwing trash at the house’s overseers

OW: What it’s about I don’t know

OW: Unending Canvas hasn’t said anything…

TC: Likely something related to SBC. They’re still Upset, you know.

TC: You don’t need to be a Part of it. For your Own sake.

OW: But they’re my citizens now, aren’t they ? You said I should keep them happy

OW: Why aren’t they happy

TC: It’s a Problem bigger than yourself. Myself and my Local Houses will be the ones Responsible for these Matters, not you.

OW: You’re never satisfied with what I do

TC: No no it’s Not that-

TC: The House of Bows is likely already Putting you under plenty of stress. You do not Need to put yourself under More by getting Involved in-

OW: I don’t CARE about your cramming politics, I’m tired of not knowing what anybody wants of me-

OW: I WILL find out what’s going on with this . I’m going to talk to SBC right now

OW: I’m doing things my way

TC: I only do what’s in your Best Interest- what if you get Hurt?

TC: …Waters?

TC: Open Waters.

TC: …


I’m at a Loss.

I don’t know what to Do for it. I can’t just Let it run Headfirst into these Things… but…

N-no. Should I contact Fourteen Scales, A Cloak Adorned? Or the entire Council perhaps.

Maybe Chain will know what to do- no She’ll only make a fool out of me even Further. I just hope this is not the start of something Terrible.

I’ll just try and take my Mind off it.


The connection is getting Unstable. My Overseers no longer Have Permission to enter these Zones, and thus I must Look through the Beacon’s active Video broadcast, which is not the most Reliable.

So far it has Made it up through the underside of his Exterior, Squeezing past the Gates. There was still Quite a bit of static down there, so Sulfur is still functional… to an Extent.

…The inside is Completely dark. The only things illuminating the inside of his can are the Emergency Lights and… the Reflections of those lights? What? Wait a moment-