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What is LOTG?
Light on Tainted Glass is a fanwork of Rain World concepted back in December 2023, and writing began in Feburary.
It uses original characters, and is entirely seperated from the canon characters. While you don’t need to have the most expansive knowledge of the game to understand the context of this story, it would definitely ease the experience. The style is similar to the in-game broadcast system and pearls, and is nearly entirely dialogue or internal monologue.
There are 3 sections with different iterators as their perspective characters. There is no main plot for the iterators to follow, rather there are many small conflicts they encounter that affect their relationships to one another as time goes on and they live their typically very mundane lives.
The 4th section is a break away from this format, instead focusing on a slugcat.
I am not too far into writing, as I am only partially through Section 2. Though I do have a clear idea of what I want, even if I tend to come up with the story as I go along.